Center For Qur'aan Classes
The Prophet ﷺ said, “The best among you (Muslims) are those who learn the Qur’aan and teach it.”
Saheeh Bukhaari, Vol. 6, Pg. 192, Hadith 5027

About Center for Qur’aan Classes (CQC)
In the year 2014, Sister Manaal Dawood Khan, Sister Juwairia Dawood Khan and Brother Shadab Ajaz Siddiqui launched CQC as a non-profit initiative under Al-Falah Charitable Trust (Registration No. E-5410) with the intention of imparting knowledge of Qur’aan sciences, most importantly the correct recitation of the Qur’aan. In the same year we launched our first online Beginner’s batch in partnership with WizIQ.
The study notes and teaching aids that have been used by our teachers at CQC for conducting the online Tajweed teaching programs since past few years have been compiled in an ebook form for free download…
The Core Team
The core team of CQC, which comprises of Sr. Juwairia, Sr. Manaal, and Br. Shadab, are former students of Knowledge International University. Sr. Manaal and Br. Shadab completed their graduation in Islamic Studies (BAIS – Bachelor of Arts in Islamic Studies) from KIU. All three are Engineering graduates from India.

Our mentors and guides
May Allaah reward all our teachers at KIU with the best of both worlds
Our KIU teachers Ustaadhah Samar Al-Mawy and Ustaadhah Deemah, for reviewing the content and for their constant guidance, support and encouragement.
Our Tajweed Curriculum
Alhamdulillaah, in this new age of learning made easy by ever-evolving technology, we find many works written on simplifying the understanding of Tajweed in the English language. This work is a humble endeavor to provide a comprehensive understanding of all concepts necessary to correctly read the Qur’aan with Tajweed as per the rules of Hafs ‘an ‘Aasim in the way of Shaatibiyyah. The intent is not to re-invent the wheel but to provide the English reader insights and benefits from the meticulous works of our esteemed scholars, available in the Arabic language.
This curriculum is structured based on the topics covered in At-Tajweed Al-Musawwar with benefits derived from the video lecture series Al-Itqaan li-Tilaawatil Qur’aan of Shaykh Ayman Rushdie Suwayd. Any corrections, suggestions, comments, feedback are welcome and can be sent to

Contact us
About our upcoming batches
Reach out to us at the email below for any queries regarding new batches for our online Tajweed program.
To join our team
If you are passionate about learning and teaching the Qur'aan to others and would like to join our team do write to us with a brief background about your education and interests.
To improve our curriculum/eBook
We are constantly trying to improve our course content and curriculum, Please email us any suggestions or recommendation regarding our curriculum/eBook so we can make it better.
Email Us
- I joined CQC Tajweed course, with a feeling that like any madrasa tutor, will hear our verses and correct our language and qiraath. But this course is totally different. It started with theoretical explanation of each letter with attributes, history and pronunciation, which I heard for the first time, and went on with the practice and actual implementation examples from mushaf. The content is very much detail oriented and brother Shadab's knowledge and explanations were very much inspiring. Alhamdhulillah with this course I corrected lots of generic mistakes and helped me to recite correctly. My Special thanks to brother Shadab in dedicating his time to make us learn. Also, thanks to brother Shaatir to help us in practice sessions to correct our mistakes with patience and to fellow brothers in class for support. May Allah bless this team to continue imparting knowledge and all of us to learn correct Tajweed and practice. Ameen
Mohammed Akramullah
- “And we have certainly made the Qur’an easy for remembrance, so is there any who will remember?” SURAH AL QAMAR – 54-17. Assalam – O - AlaIkum, I am thankful for how my teacher has taught me. The way he adapts his teaching as per every student is marvelous. The patience and knowledge demonstrated throughout my classes has been impressive and has kept me motivated. Even since I started my classes with CQC, I’ve seen an amazing improvement in my reading and memorization of Qur’an, applying Tajweed rules, which are essential part of the recitation of Holy Quran. I consider my teacher, Shadab Sir one of the biggest blessings of my life! Alhamdulillah. Also not to forget, Shatir Sir whose efforts have also been commendable throughout the journey with CQC. My Ustadh is an amazing teacher and would recommend our brothers to study under his guidance. I also want to thank all my fellow students for being supportive to each other. One word for Shadab Sir - “ I can never repay you Brother “
Tariq Khan
- Shadab Bhai,It was a great pleasure during the period we were with regular CQC .It has helped me to recite the holy Quran,applying Tajweed rules with confidence ,which is very essential & vital for our life.
Syed Habib
- Indeed we all know that we not being native Arabic speakers do have a lot of shortcomings in the recitation of Holy Qur'an. Alhamdulillah most of us recite it, but sadly we are also well aware of the fact that we don't justify the way it needs to be justified in terms of recitation, in terms of the immense sweetness Qur'an carries when each of its huroof is given its due right and importance in pronunciation. Tajweed is such a basic requirement for any Muslim that make his or her connection with Allaah and his book lot better and once we master the science indeed we start to feel the sweetness in our prayers and tilaawah..... CQC bi iznillah most importantly in its Tajweed course fulfills this gap that has been there between many of our Muslims and their Qur'an recitation and helps them become better Muslims with meaningful connection with their lord subhanallah... And without expecting even a penny in return but only pure reward from the lord of the worlds alhamdulillah.... My sincere duas to team CQC and especially my Ustaad brother Shadaab for his commitment and dedication in design and delivery of entire course......May Allah accept his sincere endeavours and reward him abundantly The timings of course made us more punctual in life starting our day by learning the book of Allah and our well qualified ustaad made it all go smooth..... I would also like to make dua for brother Shatir for being with us to support us through out the course.....may Allah reward you immensely..... And to all my brothers in my tajweed batch, it wasn't just a batch we became a family in a very short time alhamdulillah... What better can i ask Allaah apart from asking only him to reward you all by saying 'Jazakallahu Khair wa ahsanul jazà' for being there together in this short but most important and meaningful journey.💐
Riyaz Mansoor
- Indeed it was a great experience to learn the Tajweed rules. It definitely helped me a lot to improve my recitation of the Holy Quran. Special thanks to Brother Shadaab and Brother Shaatir. May Allah bless and reward the entire team of CQC for the noble cause and efforts. Thanks also to my group of participants for joining and learning Tajweed. May Allah reward each and everyone.
Anis Sheikh
- السلام عليكم ورحمه الله وبركاته الحمد لله وحده والصلاه والسلام على من لا نبي بعده First of all, I thank Allah subhanahu wa ta'la for giving me toufeeq to learn tajweed from CQC. Then, I thank team CQC for making my journey of learning Tajweed an easy, non boring yet very beneficial for this world and hereafter ان شاء الله The syllabus and lesson plan provided is so nicely made that make even tougher topics understandable and easy to apply. The approach here was very adequate, Practical sessions along with theory and application of studied rules. I can say without any doubt that if one attends the classes regularly with proper attention then he or she can also impart the knowledge to others using the notes provided. Special thanks to our mentor Br Shadab Siddiqui and our practice session co mentor Br Shatir.
Sadique Ul Malik
- Alhamdulillah, this course has not only helped me with reading the Quran with proper Tajweed rules, but has also definitely changed my life and has helped in increasing my Imaan. May Allah grant best rewards here and hereafter to Ustadh Shadab and the entire CQC team for their sincere and utmost efforts!!
Iqbal Jamadar, Florida, USA.